Ticket orders and Stand sureties – Policy statement

Ticket Ordering*

The club will, if it is able, order advance  tickets on behalf of members subject to the member paying a deposit (see ways to pay below) equal to 50% of the order value, or £5, whichever is the greater. The balance being payable on collection or delivery of order.  Tickets may be posted out at the members cost and risk, or by email where E-tickets are available

Club Stand/Parking reservation*

Classic Minis of ANY condition (includes factory or third party variants based on the Issigonis designed body or running gear) are welcome on our Club Stands / Parking areas.  We feel that a stand filled only with top show condition cars may put off prospective members with "everyday" or "rolling resto" cars.

Members may reserve a club stand / parking space where available and required by the club (ie where a we have to specify to the show organizer how much space we require) by one of three methods

1, by ordering a ticket for the show through TVMC where that facility is available

2,  by providing the club with a copy of (or receipt for purchase of) a ticket already purchased elsewhere

3, If neither option 1, or 2, above is available (for instance a Free Show)  by payment of a £5 surety.

The surety will be refunded on the show day (or as soon after as practicable) once the members car is in place on the Club Stand / Parking area on show day, or if notice of not being able to attend has been given to the Club Secretary and we are able to fill that space with another club car.

Note:  We regret the need to require a surety but we found, before it was introduced, it was common for members to say they would support a club stand and then just not turn up on the day without giving any notice, leaving big holes in our display, which reflected badly on the club.

Non refunded sureties will be added to club funds or donated to the clubs charity at the discretion of the Committee.

If you feel you have a good and genuine reason for not turning up and / or not giving notice, The Committee will have the final say as to whether any sureties are refunded.

Ways to pay your for your ticket or surety

You can pay by Bank Transfer to:
Account Name TVMC
sort code 23-05-80,
Account # 12917031
(Please send an email to events@tvmc.org so we know to expect the payment and what it is for)

You can pay by Paypal using www.paypal.me/tvmc

You can pay by cash or cheque (payable to TVMC) on any club night

You can pay by cheque through the post to:
Farnham Lane
Farnham Royal
Bucks, SL2 3RY

*Ticket ordering and stand reservation policy was agreed by the committee on 31/1/2012



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Updated 13/2/25. Until further notice, our second Thursday meet will be at The Swan, Basingstoke Rd, Three Mile Cross, Reading RG7 1AT - Second Thursday Monthly